Preparing for your brow appointment involves a few key steps to ensure that the process goes smoothly and you achieve the best possible results. By following these tips, you can prepare yourself for a successful and satisfying brow permanent makeup experience.

Do not consume alcohol, caffeine or blood thinners (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, other NSAID medication, fish oil, niacin, vitamin E) 48 hours before your procedure, to avoid excess bleeding, which directly affects color retention.
Avoid sun/ tanning bed exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the tattoo pigment with it. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit.
Vaccines/Immunizations - please ensure your cosmetic tattoo appointment is scheduled a minimum of 14 days either BEFORE or AFTER to avoid any potential immune reactions.
​Some cosmetic procedures should be completed prior to your brow tattoo:
Brow waxing/shaping (48 hours in advance)
Brow tinting (1 week in advance)
Botox/fillers (4 weeks in advance)
Facials (48 hours in advance)
Facial laser treatments, chemical peels, microneedling (4 weeks in advance)
Skin products containing Vitamin A or Retinol and AHA on the brow area (1 weeks in advance)
Even though the rules are very strict, they are not hard to follow. The most important piece of advice you need to remember is not to touch your powder brows. Therefore:
don’t wear makeup.
don’t pick scabs.
don’t sleep on your face.
avoid physical activities that cause excessive sweating.
avoid situations where your brows will be exposed to dust and dirt.
avoid saunas and swimming pools as well as long showers.
avoid sun exposure and tanning.
avoid having facial treatment until the brows are completely healed.
It is important to try to avoid getting your eyebrows wet for the first 10 days. If you must clean the area do so with an antibacterial soap such as dial or green soap.
Do not scratch, rub, pick or peel the healing skin. Allow it to flake off on its own as this is the healthiest way. Once you complete the peeling phase, you may proceed with your regular activities.
Avoid any makeup, facials, sweating, sun exposure, saunas, jacuzzi, or swimming until the area is completely healed.
Do not use any anti-aging products, especially those that contain lactic acids or glycolic acids, as it will fade your eyebrow area.
To prevent future fading of your tattoo, use a total sun block after healing.
Day 1-10: The result will look approximately 50% darker than the desired effect in the first week. It will take approximately 4-10 days to lighten. The first 7 to 10 days after the procedure are crucial to your health, as well as the over all outcome of your permanent makeup.
As any type of pigment injection is trauma to the skin, there will be some inconvenient consequences – redness and some swelling. This is normal and will go away relatively quickly, so there is nothing to worry about.
Day 11-15: As the dotting motion breaks the skin surface, some scabbing, flaking, and dryness is inevitable. It is essential not to touch or pick at your skin. Just leave it be. It will heal at its own pace, usually by the end of the second week following the procedure.
Day 16-30: You will also notice that the pigment color will fade slightly over time; this is normal and expected. Therefore, the touch up appointment is made so that the corrections can be made.
Lips have a better result when they are hydrated and moisturized before your appointment. Please follow this regiment for 5 days prior:
Vaseline or lip balm must be applied to your lips throughout the day.
After showering scrub lips gently to remove dead skin, and apply moisturizer such as Vaseline. You can make a homemade scrub of brown sugar, olive oil and honey in the same proportions.

Though the sensation of lip blushing is minimal everyone reacts to pain differently. To alleviate possible discomfort, a strong topical anesthetic will be used for your appointment. Please note that you might be sensitive 5 days prior, 5 days during and 5 days after your period.
If you are prone to cold sores, contact your physician or pharmasist and ask for a prescription of Valtrex or Zovirex. Take it on the day of your appointment and 3 days following. If you have frequent outbreaks lip blushing cannot be done 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak.
Do not drink caffeine 48 hours before your procedure.
Do not consume alcohol 5 days before or 3 days after your appointment.
Do not take blood thinners (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, B6, Omega 3, Gingko Biloba, Primrose etc.) at least 1 week before your procedure.
Do not get any facials or peels at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
Do not have any facial injections at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
Avoid the use of any exfoliates 1 week prior to the procedure.
Do not get lip injections 4 weeks before or after lip blush.
Please eat before the procedure as you are not aloud to eat 3 hours after it’s been completed.
Make sure that anything is important is done before your appointment as you may swell.
Fluids will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. You can clean the tattoo with an antibacterial soap and cover with Vaseline.
The area will feel a bit sore and will look quite intense. There may be some swelling and minor bruising that only lasts for 1-2 days.
The next day, the color of the tattoo will darken as scabs begin to form, there may still be some swelling or minor bruising.
The scab will fall off within 3-10 days depending on your skin and the procedure you had done.
DAY 2-10
Do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers, remember it is an opened and healing wound. An infection could possibly ruin the tattoo.
Don't get your tattoo too wet for too long. It will make the scabs soggy and easier to fall off prematurely. Remember, you want to keep the scabs on for as long as you can, let them fall off naturally.
Moisturize with the recommended or provided ointment constantly.
Do not sleep on your face to avoid lifting your scabs prematurely and make sure you’re sleeping on a clean pillowcase to avoid infection.
Avoid harsh cleansers, creams, makeup, or any other products on the treated area until all the scabs have naturally fallen off. These things can jeopardize the healing of the tattoo.
Don’t pick, scratch or bite off the scabs. Let the scabs fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring, loss of pigment, or an infection.
Do not expose your tattoo to UV rays or tanning beds for 4 weeks after the procedure. These things can alter the appearance of your tattoo dramatically.
Do not sweat on the tattoo until all the scabs have come off naturally. Sweat will take the pigment from your tattoo. If you do sweat on them, dab it off immediately.
Do not get any facials, Botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks post appointment date.
The complete healing process takes 6 weeks. At 6 weeks the true and final color of the tattoo will show. It is only after 6 weeks that a touch up to the tattoo can be done.
Please note that your tattoo will be softer and not as crisp when healed.
Note that results will vary with each individual and are extremely dependent on your skin and how you care for it during healing. It may take more than one session to achieve your desired result.
To preserve the quality and longevity of your tattoo, we highly advise avoiding the use of Benzoyl Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Glycolic acid, Apple cider vinegar, Vitamin E and C, and Retinol as these can cause your tattoo to fade or lighten faster. It's also important to protect your tattoo from UV rays by using sunscreen as exposure to the sun can cause the pigment to deteriorate and fade. Salt water and chlorine can have a similar effect, so it's recommended to rinse with water after any contact.
Please note that this treatment is not permanent and typically fades after 1-3 years depending on your skin type and lifestyle. Touch-ups are necessary to maintain the quality and beauty of your tattoo. If you have oily skin, an iron deficiency, or a strong immune system, your pigment may not last as long or heal as crisply as others.
For those seeking cover-up work, additional appointments may be necessary to achieve optimal results as it's possible that the new tattoo may not completely cover the old one.